Taxonomic list T3F, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

nucleus telencephali

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Top level complexus anatomicus Short Extended
Level 2 substantia grisea systematis nervosi centralis Short Extended
Current level nucleus telencephali Short
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
nucleus telencephali
nucleus of telencephalon
nucleus basolateralis T4 9 children
basolateral nucleus
68855 6173
nucleus basalis lateralis amygdalae
basolateral amygdaloid nucleus
68858 6174
nucleus basalis medialis amygdalae
basomedial amygdaloid nucleus
61866 6178
nucleus lateralis amygdalae
lateral amygdaloid nucleus
nucleus centromedialis T4 25 children
centromedial nucleus
74047 6175
nucleus centralis amygdalae
central amygdaloid nucleus
74046 6179
nucleus medialis amygdalae
medial amygdaloid nucleus
nucleus intercalatus amygdalae
intercalated amygdaloid nucleus
61884 6185
nucleus striae terminalis
bed nucleus of stria terminalis
77699 6177
nucleus interstitialis amygdalae ; nucleus interstitialis partis posterioris commissurae anterioris
interstitial amygdaloid nucleus; interstitial nucleus of posterior part of anterior commissure
nucleus corticalis anterior amygdalae
anterior cortical nucleus of amygdala
nucleus corticalis posterior amygdalae
posterior cortical nucleus of amygdala
nucleus corticalis ventralis amygdalae
ventral cortical nucleus of amygdala
61865 6180
nucleus tractus olfactorii lateralis
nucleus of lateral olfactory stria
61887 6183
substantia basalis T4 11 children
basal substance
61887 6184
nucleus basalis
basal nucleus
61882 6191
nucleus striae diagonalis
nucleus of diagonal band
61885 6192
substantia innominata
innominate substance
nucleus septalis T4 0 children
septal nucleus
basal nucleus
61889 6206
nucleus accumbens T4 8 children
nucleus accumbens
77385 6207
pars centralis
central part ; core region
77386 6208
pars medialis
medial part ; shell region
24 items
60 entities
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Nucleus striae terminalis (Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis) can be subdivided into various subnuclei, the best known are the Lateral and Medial divisions (see Heimer L, de Olmos J, Alheid GF, et al. 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanatomy 15:57-226; Sakamoto N, Pearson J, Shinoda K, Alheid GF 1999 The human basal forebrain, Part 1. Handb Chem Neuroanat 15:1-55).
Type of list T3F
List Unit Identifier 11621
Sublist 1 6183 substantia basalis 11/4 on 30.11.2018
Sublist 2 6206 nucleus accumbens 8/3 on 30.11.2018
Sublist 3 6209 nucleus septalis 18/7 on 30.11.2018
Error in sublist Found children 0 Found units 1
Sublist 4 6216 nucleus basalis 6/3 on 30.11.2018
Error in sublist Found children 0 Found units 1
Sublist 5 9547 nucleus basolateralis 9/4 on 30.11.2018
Sublist 6 9579 nucleus centromedialis 25/10 on 30.11.2018
Subtotals subchildren 77 subunits 31
Proper children 6
Invalid check Found children: 59
Proper units 1
Invalid check Found units: 24
Signature 3032 (validated since 30.11.2018)
Date: 31.05.2024